A Whole New World Has Begun!

I wanted to dedicate a site just for my child, something what will grow as she grows, something that she will one day read for herself.

Location: New Jersey, United States

I like to play hard, take chances and live life to the fullest...after all, we're only given one!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Lighting of the Christmas Tree

July 4th: It was Christmas in July!? It was the Lighting of the Christmas Tree!

Daddy and Dan (our neighbor) decided they were going to decorate our dried out Christmas tree with fireworks, mounted it in the fire pit and torched the entire thing! There were bottle rockets flying, colors changing and loud noise...what else could celebrating our Nations Birthday as for!!

It was definitely something to watch!

Washing Cars

June 30th:

A day of washing cars with Daddo!

A Day of Daddy

June 21: Father's Day this year was Mommy's first Father's Day without her Daddy and it was a sad day for her. Mommy, Daddy and Jayden took a drive to Daddo's (the 'other Daddo' as Jayden used to call him) 'heaven'. Mommy & Daddy call it 'heaven' because Jayden hasn't grasped the concept of Death yet. She only understands places. As we entered the gates of the cemetary, the song "Butterfly Kisses" could be heard playing on the radio in a very 'bad connection'. This was the song Mommy danced with her Daddy for the "Father/Daughter dance" at her wedding.

Afterwards we had a cook out with Mom-Mom and Daddo at there house!

Moving Up Day

June 17th: Moving-up day at Jayden's nursery school! Jayden was part of the "purple" group of the rainbow in "The World is a Rainbow". Next year Jayden will be in the Pre-K class 3 days a week.

A Ballerina's Debut

June 7: Jayden's debut!! I'm a Ballerina Doll! First dance recital at State Theatre. Mommy, Daddy, Mom-mom and Daddo were all so proud of Jayden. She did extremely well and was center stage! All the little one's did a great job! Mommy helped back stage as a Back Stage Mom for Jayden's toddler class.

Crayons...Crayons everywhere

June 6th: It was an exciting trip to the Crayola Factory with Mom-Mom and Daddo!!

Jayden had so much to do coloring, painting, playing with new markers. It was sensory overload for Jayden today!

Another Mother's Day

May 10, 2009: Mother's Day. It was our annual brunch at Aunt Chrisann's and visiting Nani at the Moseleum.

Afterwards, Mommy, Daddy and Jayden went to a NEW playground closer to our home this year for a few hours before going to lunch.

Noni's 90th Birthday Celebration

It was time to celebrate Noni's 90th Birthday (Jayden's great grandmother). Mommy, Daddy, Mom-Mom, Daddo, Noni, Aunt Sandy, Uncle Johnny, JP & Kim had brunch on The River Lady in Redbank. It was a beautiful day on the river. The boat was a real paddle boat without any motors.
Tante even came to celebrate Noni's birthday!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Jayden Actual Birthday

April 29, 2009: Jayden's actual birthday is today!!

Mommy took the day off to spend Jayden's special day with her! Jayden wanted to go to Funtime America where we played Skeball (Mommy's favorite), obstacle climb, games and even went on rides with Mommy!

Afterwards, Mommy and Jayden went for lunch. Mommy let Jayden pick her favorite restaurant...PeterPank Diner! Jayden had the "Happy Face Pancakes" which are her favorite all because of the M&M eyes!

Next, Mommy and Jayden went shopping for summer clothes at Childrens' Place!

Jayden's 4th Birthday

April 26th: At 4:40pm it was Jayden's big day! We celebrated Jayden's 4th birthday at Gymboree! She enjoyed her 2 hour party with 17 friends...Gianna, Kylie, Jillian, Shaye, Jessica, Jared, Emily, Jack-Jack, Nicholas S., Franky, Mikey, Sofia A., Nicholas L, Sofia L, Alexa and Kaitlyn! Jayden and her friends played different games, parashute and bubbles!

Mommy got a new tattoo in the morning in honor of her Little Ladybug Jayden...she calls it "Flight of the Ladybug".

"Down the Shore"

That's right...it was "Down the Shore" with Mom-Mom & Daddo! Point Pleasant on the boardwalk to be exact with rides and playing in the sand!

Celebrating Birthdays

It was a very busy day for Jayden! We had 2 birthday parites to attend today. The first one was for Kylie, she turned 4...it was Christmas is April?? Kylie had real snow that her mommy made from a special kit. That was so much fun having a snow ball fight without having to wear gloves and a scarf!

The next part we went to was Samantha's! Even though the party was over by the time we got there (we live 2 hours away) we stayed all night. It was Jayden's first sleep over at a friend's house. Jayden even slept in her new Princess sleeping bag. In the morning we had breakfast together too!

Easter Sunday

April 12, 2009: This year the Easter Bunny came late (as compared to last year when it was on Mommy's birthday in March). The Easter Bunny left a basket at Jayden's house and at Mom-mom's. He even hid 3 dozen eggs filled with money, socks, games and beads! It was a beautiful day and Aunt Sandy, Uncle Johnny, JP and Kim came too! What a blast we had.

Palm Sunday

April 5, 2009: Morning brunch at Aunt Chrisann's and Uncle Herman's house. There were Easter Eggs to find! Jayden and Nicholas scurried all over the room to beat each other to the Easter Eggs. It was truly a sight to see!
In the end they both enjoyed the activity. Nicholas' grandfather, Herman Sr. gave a little smile with Jayden and Nicholas too.