A Whole New World Has Begun!

I wanted to dedicate a site just for my child, something what will grow as she grows, something that she will one day read for herself.

Location: New Jersey, United States

I like to play hard, take chances and live life to the fullest...after all, we're only given one!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Vacation to San Diego Zoo

This year we took a vacation to San Diego, California for 4 days. Jayden's first visit to a zoo was the very famous San Diego Zoo! Wow were there lots of animals! Jayden's favorite animal seemed to be the giraffes. She laughed and laughed at them. We also saw various birds, lions, hippos, the tigers were hiding, monkey's and many others. Sea World was another stop on our vacation. Jayden's first stop was to feed the dolphins but she didn't want to touch them. Instead, daddy held her while feeding them.

Jayden lost one of her kitty's at the Zoo the day before so while at Sea World we stopped at 'build a bear' and made a "new" kitty.
Old Town was another stop for us. There were lots of shops and even a donkey.


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