A Whole New World Has Begun!

I wanted to dedicate a site just for my child, something what will grow as she grows, something that she will one day read for herself.

Location: New Jersey, United States

I like to play hard, take chances and live life to the fullest...after all, we're only given one!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

2007: A Year in Review

It's time yet again to review a year gone by. The year begins with both Mommy and Jayden sick.
Sickness doesn't hold Jayden back from learning to jump with 2 feet this January. You should see how far she jumps too! Perhaps long jumping will be her forte.

February brings the discovery of Playdoh! Jayden and Mom-Mom made some home-made in the kitchen. Jayden spent hours making different shapes with cookie cutters according to Mom-Mom and loved it. Was that "baby" you just said?! Jayden also motions that he just pooped.

March installed Jayden as the newest member of "Stitch & Bitch" (along with kitty). Mom-Mom's friends meet every Wednesday and at one time the used to do needle point and talk about family life. Now, as the kids are all grown they just meet for lunch, but still use the same term. On the 26th it was 75 degrees out!

April is always an exciting month since Jayden came along.There's Kylie's birthday, Samantha's birthday and Jayden's birthday. At Samantha's party Jayden had her first experience on a trampoline! Celebrating Jayden's 2nd birthday it was fairies, fairies everywhere. It was a 'Little Fairies' theme with wings & matching shirt for the occasion.
Coloring Easter Eggs was a new adventure with Jayden. That wasn't nearly as much fun as she had finding them! All day long Jayden would find yet another egg with treasures inside.

Mother's Day we spent at the park! The day started out with our annual visit to see Nanny at the mausoleum and breakfast at Aunt Chrisann's house.

It was blowing bubbles and learning how to ride a new bicycle. Jayden peddled a new bicycle that Dadoo picked up.
Jayden's first camping trip was on June 22nd-24th at American Family Campgrounds. It was a beautiful weekend for camping. Clear and warm during the day and cool and brisk during the night! Jayden's tent was a 2 room Columbia...it was huge inside.

July brought a family vacation to San Diego, California! Jayden's first visit to a zoo was the famous San Diego Zoo. Her favorites were the giraffe's. Sadly, Jayden lost one of her kitty's at the zoo.
Once again we crewed for 'Heaven' at the New Jersey Balloon Festival. Jayden was an official crew member this year being her own shirt that Mom-Mom made!

Aunt Chrisann hosted a Cousin's Picnic on August 25th. Jayden met most of Mommy's cousins for the first time.

Jayden finally got to bury her feet in the sand at Round Valley Recreation Park in September. Seeing her face as the sand squished between her toes was classic! They had a beach area with swings too!
Once again we found ourselves at the zoo...this time it was the Bronx Zoo.

October was another exciting month! Columbus Day weekend was spent in Williamsburg, Virginia. We visited colonial Williamsburg and dipped candles the old fashion way.
The Maryland Renaissance Faire is an annual outing enjoyed by all. Fried mac & cheese, pork chops on a stick and cookies & milk were among favorite treats.
Pumpkin picking at a local farm brought joy for a Halloween 50's theme. Mommy & Jayden were Pink Ladies while Daddy was a T-Bird.

Jayden finally started to talk a little bit more in November saying "Love You". However, Mommy still had Jayden evaluated by Early Intervention. To our surprise, Jayden wasn't eligible...she was to advanced! Her first 5 word sentence "No Daddy, put hat on!" came at the end of November. This was the beginning of her talking!
Veteran's Day weekend we look a trip to see Mickey, Minny and the entire crew of Disney!

December...cool, crisp December...there was the Singing Tree with the Big Apple Courus, decorating our Christmas tree and presents. The 28th Jayden had her first train adventure to New York City to see the big tree in Lincoln Center.

The year ended just as it started...both Mommy & Jayden were plagued with sickness yet again.


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