A Whole New World Has Begun!

I wanted to dedicate a site just for my child, something what will grow as she grows, something that she will one day read for herself.

Location: New Jersey, United States

I like to play hard, take chances and live life to the fullest...after all, we're only given one!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Firsts, Firsts and Firsts...

Yes sir...it was the month of firsts for Jayden!!

February 15th mommy had off from work so she, Jayden, Aunt Chrisann and Nicholas all when Roller Skating in a real Roller Rink! Jayden did fantastic! She didn't need to hold onto Mommy's hand nor the wall...she even 'danced' a little bit to the music as it played. Mommy decided to put roller skates on too and skated around the rink with Jayden.

After a couple hours though, our ankles got a little fatigued and decided it was a good idea to go for lunch. It was a great day!

Over the weekend, Jayden decided she wanted to get her very own Library card. Mommy and Jayden went to the Sayreville Library and signed up for a library card. Jayden signed out three books...Dora the Explora, Deigo, and Clifford the Big Red Dog. In three weeks she will need to return them.

Jayden also decided she wanted to try gymnastics this year. Mommy was both excited and weary at the same time. Excited b/c Mommy had been a gymnast for 16 years and thought of all the wonderful things she could teach Jayden...weary b/c Mommy feels all her gymnastic injuries in her joints. Nonetheless it was off to gymnastics to sign up. Two of Jayden's school friends also joined...Kaitlyn and Gracie. The first day was exciting! Mommy took lots of pictures and was so proud of her Little Ladybug!

March 23 we celebrated Mommy's 40th Birthday. Jayden picked the restaurant and it was off to Arirang!


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