A Whole New World Has Begun!

I wanted to dedicate a site just for my child, something what will grow as she grows, something that she will one day read for herself.

Location: New Jersey, United States

I like to play hard, take chances and live life to the fullest...after all, we're only given one!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

2008 Year End Prestholdt Review

As we begin to reflect on another year we realize how far we’ve come and look to the future. It was truly a year of ups and downs, in every sense of the clique’.

At Year’s beginning, both Mommy and Jayden were sick. Jodie fell down the front steps due to a severe ear infection causing her to spend some time on crutches. Jayden became fully potty trained and to our relief Jayden also started talking with an astonishing 5 word sentence!

February brought Jayden a big girl bed and her and Jodie were sick once more. Another ear infection for Mommy and Jayden the Flu.

The winds of March blew Jayden into Ballet class but at month’s end Daddy brought home the “stomach virus” to the family. Jayden had it for 4 days!

Jayden turned 3 in April and she experienced her 1st pair of roller skates.

A family Caribbean Cruise to Puerto Rico, St.Thomas and Tortula was the highlight of June. Jayden loved Camp Carnival.

Mom-mom and Dadoo enjoyed a family camping trip at Jellystone Park in Elmer, New Jersey. Jayden had her very own Princess sleeping bag! Month’s end was the annual New Jersey Balloon Festival. We all crewed for our favorite pilot Bill Costen and his balloon Heaven.

Labor Day signified the start of Nursery School for Jayden. Infact, Jayden now goes to the same school that Mommy once went to all those years ago! Another family vacation to the mountains of St.Hippolite, Canada where Erik and Jodie celebrated their 5 year Wedding Anniversary.

September 25th was the passing of Jodie’s Dad…Joseph, a WWII Veteran. This was a difficult time for our family as Jayden was very fond of her Dadoo. She spent every other day with him since his entering Regency Park Rehab & Nursing Center in April.

Halloween brought happiness as Jayden went trick o’ treating for the first time with her cousin, Nicholas.

We now close the year with the solice of how much stronger we are from challenges we’ve overcome. We are greatfull for the friends and family we have and will cherish those we’ve lost. Happy Holidays to all and best wishes for a safe, healthy and loving New Year.


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