A Whole New World Has Begun!

I wanted to dedicate a site just for my child, something what will grow as she grows, something that she will one day read for herself.

Location: New Jersey, United States

I like to play hard, take chances and live life to the fullest...after all, we're only given one!

Monday, January 01, 2007

2006: A Year To Remember

It's hard to believe we are at the close of yet another year. 2006 was a year filled with firsts for The Prestholdt's!

The New Year rolled in with Jayden calling us MaMa and DaDa, but not necessarily in that order. With Jayden sick for nearly three weeks came her first raging diaper rash. Now we say "no" to amoxicillin! At nine months old Jayden was able to climb up all 11 steps...something Mommy found out by accident when she turned her back for 15 seconds and realized it was very quiet in the room!

February brought us 19 inches of snow on the 12th and Jayden's 7th tooth! She was playing well with stacking toys and puzzles. Finally, on the last day of February, Jayden took her first step alone!

March blew in, bringing with it something exciting. On the 5th Jayden took 5 steps across the kitchen floor. Grandma & Grandpa were both there to witness and caught it all on film. Mommy & Daddy are so proud of their little angle! Now she's pointing at objects and plays "telephone" saying "Hi"! By months end it's time to take Jayden for her first pair of real walking shoes. She's waving bye-bye and blowing kisses to just about anyone that will wave back!

April's showers didn't come yet. Instead, it brought Jayden mimicking whatever we did! We soon found her "wiping up the table", "scrambling eggs" and motioning the cat to "get off the chair". We no longer had to help Jayden up from a sitting position...that she can now do alone. Give her a piece of paper and she will pretend to write you a note! Jayden also had her first real "play date" with a little girl named Alexa from across the way. April also brought Jayden's 1st Birthday. We had a "Ladybug" themed party with family and friends.

May brought many firsts for Jayden. They seemed to be coming quickly as the months went by. Jayden's imitation skills are expanding too. She turns pages in books as she is fascinated by vast images and colors. She's now dancing to music and plays "peek a boo". Once, just once, we actually heard her say "I see you"...than never said it again. The middle of May was Jayden's first Yard Sale at Noni's house. She could be seen 'demonstrating' how to use certain items that were for sale! Ask Jayden to point to her nose & mouth and she would gladly show you...as for her tummy as well. May also brought Mommy a new en devour as well. She started a new business making and selling silk flower hair garlands inspired by her mother.

June brought the showers that April held off bringing! Nonetheless it was Mommy's debut as she was a new vendor at the New Jersey Renaissance Faire & Kingdom. Jayden is now starting to show hand preference even though we don't favor one over the other. She is putting caps on pens (in the presence of either Mommy or Daddy) and is starting to take off clothing on her own. Jayden can now seat herself on her little chair. After months of doing sign language, Jayden is now able to do the sign for "milk" and "cookie". She spikes many fevers with each tooth that cuts thru.

July was by far the most exciting month for Jayden. She's now signing "eat", putting books away and able to tell us when she wants/needs to be changed. No...she's not talking much but her actions speak louder than words ever could. She is able to brush her teeth with help and now has a total of 12 teeth! Grandma & Grandpa treated everyone to The Prestholdt's Family vacation. They rented a house boat on Lake Powell, Arizona for the week. We had a blast! Jayden got her "sea legs" and this greatly improved her balance and walking! She was climbing on chairs, drinking from water bottles (alone), putting the caps back on them and enjoying swimming in the crystal lake. Once again, Jayden helped out with the Balloon Festival at months end.

In August Jayden was putting her sandals on the correct feet and finally learned how to climb down the stairs. Until this time, she refused to climb down the stairs. However, despite learning how to climb down...she toppled down all 12 steps hip over hip. Except for a little scare...she was fine. Jayden was soon to find herself in a new home. Months end brought the closing on a new house!

The move into the new house came at the end of September! Mommy, Daddy, Grandpa & Grandma spent most of the beginning of September fixing up the new house. They ripped up carpeting, linoleum, spackled, painted and put in hardwood floors so that by the 30Th it was ready for "move in" day!

By October we were all ready for another mini vacation. Mommy, Daddy and Jayden packed up and went to Maryland for the Maryland Renaissance Festival. While in Maryland, we took a visit to the Baltimore Aquarium. Jayden enjoyed her first view of dolphins! Somewhere around the middle of the month though, Jayden developed separation anxiety. It was just a matter of time. On the 28th, Jayden hosted her very 1st Tiny Tots Halloween Bash! She was a Ladybug!

November was a funny month! On a typical work day, daddy went in to wake up Jayden only to find her stripped naked and poop in each corner of the crib! What he couldn't figure out was how she got out of her jammies and diaper when they were both still buttoned!

December was a rather warm month. Unseasonable warm actually and Jayden got sick once more. Although she just had a cold, she decided to share it with both Daddy and Mommy. The Christmas Card photo shoot was a bit delayed this year. However, we used our usually "photographer", aka Grandma! Jayden was a bit uncooperative this year until we gave her the rocking horse to ride. After that it was smooth sailing! Christmas it self was also quite exciting this year. Although Jayden didn't understand the meaning of Christmas nor the symbol of Santa Claus, she was excited about giving. Christmas Day she was the one handing out all the gifts. She would grab a present and hand it out to anyone that would take it. It seemed as if the excitement of giving out weighed the excitement of opening up her own gifts. Finally, on the 31st we found ourselves with old friends helping bring in a New Year!

Who knows that this New Year will bring...what joys, what treasurers, what new things? All we can hope for is a safe and healthy year for ALL! Happy New Year from our family to yours!


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