A Whole New World Has Begun!

I wanted to dedicate a site just for my child, something what will grow as she grows, something that she will one day read for herself.

Location: New Jersey, United States

I like to play hard, take chances and live life to the fullest...after all, we're only given one!

Friday, September 09, 2005

Having a "Faire" of a Time

One of our favorite past-times is participating in renaissance and medieval faires. Actually, mommy used to work at the NY Renaissance Faire in Tuxedo, NY
selling children's wooden swords and Shields hand made
by Roy Petersen. Mommy (Jewel) has on the purple and black cape while daddy (Trakker) is standing behind in earthy colors. The far right is a picture of the
clan of rennies that we associate our selves with. Next we have Jayden dressed in her ren garb and a cute one of Jayden wearing Lady Catherine's purple hat. Every "beauty" isn't complete without her very own "Fairy Godmothers"...including Fauna (Lady Catherine), Meriwether (Lady Pam) and of course Flora (phoenix). Jayden loved Faire!


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