A Whole New World Has Begun!

I wanted to dedicate a site just for my child, something what will grow as she grows, something that she will one day read for herself.

Location: New Jersey, United States

I like to play hard, take chances and live life to the fullest...after all, we're only given one!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Another New Trick...Another Doctor Check-up...

Did I tell you Jayden's new trick?! Tuesday afternoon she started to "skooch" forward partially on her one knee...especially if we hold an object in front of her that she wants. Samson (the 20lb cat) came over to her and she reached out to pat him...he just sat there staring at her and started to purr...Memnon (the 9lb. cat) stays away now but will still come in her room while I feed her and sit at my feet "guarding" away Samson. It's quite comical...

Last night was Jayden's 4 month doctor visit. It was so funny...you know that white paper thing that you sit on in the doctor office...well she had that completely crinkled by the time the doctor actually came in to see her. She kept rolling around, grabbing it, crinkling it up, trying to stick it in her mouth. Jayden now weighs 14lbs. 12oz and is 25 1/2 inches long. We just had to increase her formula intake to 6 oz the beginning of September. Doctor said she is doing great and can't believe she's rolling over both ways and grabbing her toys. He said that we could start with solids anytime between now and 6 months depending on what Jayden's demands are. So far she seems content on just the formula...maybe we will start next month with some cereal.

Jayden also received her 2nd round of immunizations. I wasn't thrilled about the whole thing but the doctor has assured me that Mercury is no long used as a stabilizer in immunization. I also realize that the diseases that these immunization help fight against are far deadlier than the shots effects. Besides the normal crying from the initial shot, she did just fine and doesn't seem to be affected by them.


Blogger Jodie P said...

Hey there mr.happy! that's great...another nick name for you! HA! Glad you found my blog, actually, I have you to thank for the inspiration on starting it! I didn't know they existed...and likes i said--it's all for my little "Stinkybutt" Jayden! And let me tell you, she sure lives up to the name...

Thursday, September 15, 2005 2:37:00 PM  

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