A Whole New World Has Begun!

I wanted to dedicate a site just for my child, something what will grow as she grows, something that she will one day read for herself.

Location: New Jersey, United States

I like to play hard, take chances and live life to the fullest...after all, we're only given one!

Monday, September 19, 2005

A Day of New

There's a new George in town...Curious George that is! Finally found a website that carried the Classic Curious George...can't beleive they are discontinued...in any event, Jayden has a new George. Funny though, she doesn't play with this one with that same enthusiasm as she did with the first one. Guess somehow she knows...

It's always a new experience watching Jayden look at her self in the mirror. I often wonder what she's thinking and what she really see's...does she know it's her or does she think it's another baby (kinda like when puppies bark at the 'other' puppie in the mirror)...we will never know.

Jayden is really coming along with her "skooching" on the floor. She can now get up on both knees but hasn't figured out what to do with her hands. My guess is by October 1st she'll be crawling. Mommy went to Babies R Us this weekend for gates just in case!


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