A Whole New World Has Begun!

I wanted to dedicate a site just for my child, something what will grow as she grows, something that she will one day read for herself.

Location: New Jersey, United States

I like to play hard, take chances and live life to the fullest...after all, we're only given one!

Monday, October 24, 2005

It's Pumpkin Picking Time

It's that time of year again, a time where all the leaves turn colors and all the children become excited because soon it'll be
All Hallows Eve...a night for dressing up and gathering as many treats as you can...that is until the neighbors realize that you've knocked on their door for the third time!! Halloween is mommy's favorite holiday and Halloween wouldn't be the same without a pumpkin! So....even though it's been raining for what seems to be a gazillion years, mommy and daddy took Jayden pumpkin picking on Saturday. It was very interesting to see Jayden's reaction...she didn't know what to make of this hard orange object! We only wished the sun was shining and dry so that we could let her out and sit in the pumpkin patch.

If you look real close at Jayden's ears you will also notice that we've gotten them pierced this past week. No...they aren't real diamonds, but considering our angle was born in April, I'm sure eventually she'll con us into buying her real ones soon enough!!


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